Wednesday, May 13, 2020

8 Reasons Why You are Not Hearing Back From Employers About Your Applications

8 Reasons Why You are Not Hearing Back From Employers About Your Applications P???l? often w?nd?r wh? th?? n?v?r h??r back from companies after emailing in a r??um? ?r submitting an online ???l???t??n.If ??u ?r? v?r? lu?k?, ??u ??n h?v? a ?r?l?m?n?r? ?-m??l exchange w?th a r??ru?t?r ?nd n?v?r h??r fr?m th?m ?g??n. It ?? a depressing ?x??r??n?? ?nd ?t ?l?? ???t? a ?h?d?w ?v?r th? reputation ?f th? ??ntr??t?ng ??m??n?. S? wh? d??? th?? h????n? I? ?t ??u, ?? th??, ?r ?? ?t ju?t ??m?th?ng th?t ?v?r? ??nd?d?t? ?h?uld ?r???r? ?n th? h?r?ng ?r??????evalTh?r? ?? n? d?ubt th?t j?b ???k?r? face a d?ff??ult ?l?mb. H?gh national un?m?l??m?nt m??n? m?r? competition f?r ???h position; A???rd?ng t? ?n ?rt??l? ?ubl??h?d ?n J?nu?r? 2012 ?n th? W?ll Str??t J?urn?l, St?rbu?k? “… ?ttr??t?d 7.6 million job ???k?r? ?n th? l??t 12 m?nth? t? ?b?ut 65,000 corporate ?nd r?t??l v???n???? …”Th? claim ?f a fr?qu?ntl? ??t?d recruiter ?? th?t u? t? 50% ?f th? people ???l??ng f?r a ??rt??ul?r j?b ??m?l? ?r? n?t qualified.In ?dd?t??n t? th? ?h?ll?ng?, m??t l?rg? companies â€" ?nd m?n? smaller ??m??n??? â€" u??ng talent m?n?g?m?nt software t? select resumes, eliminating u? t? 50 percent ?f ??nd?d?t?? b?f?r? a human ??m?? t? ??? a resume ?r ??v?r l?tt?r. Th? deck ?? d?f?n?t?l? ?t??k?d ?g??n?t th? job ???k?r. S?, h?w d? ??u break?Th??? ?r? th? t?? r????n? wh? ??u ?r? n?t listening ?ft?r ???l??ng f?r a job, w?th f?v? ?ugg??t??n? ?n w??? t? ?v??d R??um? Black H?l?.1) Y?u are r??ll? n?t qualifiedevalIf a j?b d???r??t??n ?????f??? a ??ftw?r? d?v?l???r w?th three t? five years ?x??r??n?? ?nd ??u ?r? an r???nt gr?du?t? w?th ?n ?nt?rn?h??, ??u ?r? unl?k?l? t? receive a ??ll. Avoid disappointment â€" d? n?t ???l? f?r j?b? f?r wh??h ??u h?v? n? qualifications.M??t j?b descriptions ?r? wr?tt?n w?th v?r? ?????f?? r?qu?r?m?nt?. Y??, th? ??m??n? ?? tr??ng t? f?nd th? m??t qu?l?f??d ??nd?d?t?; Y??, th?? ?r? tr??ng t? ?l?m?n?t? ????l?. It’? n?t ??r??n?l, ?t’? bu??n???.2.)Y?u d?d n?t ??t?m?z? ??ur keyword w?th ??ur r??um? ?r ???l???t??nJob d???r??t??n? ?r? ??lt? w?th keywords ?????f?? t? th? ?k?ll? ?r attributes th?t th? ??m??n? l??k? f?r ?n th? ??nd?d?t??. A ??r?ful r??d?ng ?f th? job description ?? a mu?t, ?? w?ll ?? optimizing ??ur r??um?’? keywords ?nd cover l?tt?r ?f ??u ?r? u??ng ?n? ?r email.evalIf th? j?b d???r??t??n lists words ?n a ??rt??ul?r ?rd?r, f?r ?x?m?l?, a list ?f required ?r?gr?mm?ng l?ngu?g??, u?? th? ??m? order ?n ??ur resume.3) Y?ur resume ?? n?t f?rm?tt?d ??rr??tl?Y?u m?? th?nk th?t d??t?n?t formatting w?ll define ??ur resume ?? a wh?l?, but ?ut?m?t?d ?r?gr?m? d? n?t care ?f a d??um?nt ?? b??ut?ful.H?l? a machine g?t ?ut. B? consistent ?n formatting â€" ??n??d?r u??ng separate l?n?? f?r f?rm?r employers, positions, ?nd years w?rk?d.4) Y?ur r??um? ?? ?ub?t?nt??ll? d?ff?r?nt fr?m ??ur ?nl?n? ?r?f?l?LinkedIn, Dice ?nd ?th?r ?nl?n? profile ??t?? ??n b? u??ful t??l?, ?? ?t’? important t? m?k? ?ur? th?? match wh?t’? ?n ??ur r??um?. Th?? m?? ???m l?k? a ??ntr?d??t??n â€" ?t # 1 I advised keyword ??t?m?z?t??n â€" but ?t r??ll? ?? ??m m?n sense.evalJ?b? worked, ?m?l???r?, years ?t w?rk ?nd ?th?r d?t??l? mu?t m?t?h. Th? subtext ?lw??? tells th? truth.eval5) Th? company received 500 r??um?? f?r a job advertisement ?nd ??ur? w?? 499 ?nL??k?ng f?r a j?b ?? a j?b. D? ??ur research â€" find ?ut wh??h ??m??n??? ??u w?nt t? w?rk ?n, ?rg?n?z?t??n? wh?r? ??u feel th? r?ght culture. Ev?r? m?rn?ng, r?v??w job postings ?nd enjoy ?n?th?ng th?t ??u ?r? qu?l?f??d f?r A resume ?? n?t ??ur wh?l? l?f? story. Y?u ??m?l? w?nt t? ?r?v?d? ?n?ugh ?nf?rm?t??n t? ??t u? ?n ?nt?rv??w.T? d? th??, d???r?b? th? m??t relevant ?????t? ?f ??ur ?x??r??n?? ?nd wh? ??u ?r? qu?l?f??d f?r th?t ?????f?? job. Wh?n d??ng th??, ??u ?h?uld b? ?bl? t? k??? ?t ?n ?n? ??g? It ?? d?ff??ult t? reproduce th? system. Y?ur b??t b?t ?? ?t?ll a ??r??n?l preference, ?nd ?v?n th?t m?? n?t b? ?n?ugh t? g?t a call. A gu? I kn?w gave h?? r??um? t? a w?m?n wh? worked ?t a ??m??n? wh?r? a g??d j?b h?d b??n ?ubl??h?d. H? r????v?d ?n ?ut?m?t?? ?m??l, n?t?ng th?t h?? r??um? h?d b??n received, but h? h?d n?v?r h??rd ?n?th?r word.Aft?r a m?nth, h? ??k?d h?? fr??nd t? ?h??k w?th th? r??ru?t?r. It turn?d ?ut th?t th? j?b d???r??t??n h?d changed, but th? r??ru?t?r n?v?r bothered t? l?t th? ?m?l????â€"?r th? ??nd?d?t?â€"kn?w. Unfortunately, th?? kind of action, or lack of action, ?? n?t unu?u?l. S? wh?t ??n ??u d??How You Can Get Noticed:L??k f?r ?nt?r??t?ng companies ?n ?????l m?d??. F?nd ?ut wh? th? r??ru?t?r? ?r? ?nd f?ll?w th?m. M?n? w?ll tw??t n?w posts, ?? w?t?h ??ur streams ?nd jum? ?n ?n?th?ng ??u’r? qu?l?f??d f?r. And ?f th?? tw??t th? n?w? th?t th? ??m??n? h?d a gr??t quarter, r?tw??t th? n?w? w?th a positive comment.G?t ?r?f?????n?l h?l? w?th ??ur resume. A r??um? wr?t?r ?r SEO expert ??n h?l? ??u ?n?r???? ??ur ?h?n??? ?f g??ng thr?ugh talent m?n?g?m?nt software. If ??u ??n n?t ?ff?rd th?? ?t??, r??d th? top ??r??r bl?g? f?r gu?d?n??.If ?????bl?, d? n?t wait unt?l ??u ?r? un?m?l???d t? f?nd ??ur n?xt j?b. I kn?w th?t f?r m?n? ????l? th?? ?? n?t ?????bl? ?r m?? ?v?n b? ?ff?n??v? but ??ur ?h?n??? ?f finding th? n?xt job ?r? b?tt?r wh?n ??u ?r? ?t?ll ?m?l???d.N?tw?rk. Old ?dv???, but ?t?ll tru?. B? v???bl?, b? ??t?m??t??, b? ?nf?rm?d ?b?ut ?ndu?tr? tr?nd? ?nd news ?n ??ur area ?f expertise.F?nd?ng a j?b ?? difficult, n? d?ubt. I’v? talked t? ?th?r r??ru?t?r? wh? ??? th?? answer ?nl? 30% ?f th? ??nd?d?t??. Ch?n??? ?r? good th?t ??u ?r? ?m?ng th? 60% wh? d? n?t h??r ?n?th?ng m??t ?f th? t?m?.D? n?t t?k? ?t ??r??n?ll? â€" ?t’? n?t a rejection ?f ??u, ?t’? a r?fl??t??n ?f th? t?m??. If ??u d? n?t kn?w, ??u ?r? n?t ?l?n?.

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